Office Locations


Bay Area

Bay Area Office
111 Anza Boulevard, Ste 308
Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: (650) 401-6460
Fax:  (650) 401-6490

The venues serviced by this office include Eureka, Oakland, Redding, Salinas, San Francisco, San Jose, and Santa Rosa.

Central Coast

Central Coast Office
Managing Partner: Richard Goldman
735 Tank Farm Road, Suite 140
San Luis Obispo,  CA  93401
Phone: (805) 548-8727
Fax:  (805) 548-8728

The venues serviced by this office include Bakersfield, Fresno, Salinas, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara.

Central Valley

Fresno Office
Managing Partner: Jeremiah Heisler
1099 E Champlain Dr., Ste A - 1081
Fresno, CA 93720
Phone: (559) 449-6000
Fax:  (559) 449-6060

The venues serviced by this office include Bakersfield, Fresno, and Stockton.

Los Angeles

Woodland Hills Office
Managing Partner: B. Derek Straatsma
6300 Canoga Avenue, Suite 1400
Woodland Hills,  CA 91367
Phone: (818) 755-0444
Fax:  (818) 755-0434

The venues serviced by this office include Anaheim, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Marina del Rey, Oxnard, Santa Barbara, Pomona, Santa Ana, and Van Nuys.

Orange County

Brea Office
Managing Partner: Robert H. Choi
One Pointe Drive, Suite 200
Brea,  CA 92821
Phone: (714) 256-5000
Fax:  (714) 256-5050

The venues serviced by this office include Anaheim, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Marina del Rey, Pomona, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Ana, and Van Nuys.


Sacramento Office
Managing Partner: Jeremiah Heisler
1455 Response Road, Suite 250
Sacramento,  CA 95815
Phone: (916) 648-2240
Fax:  (916) 648-2245

The venues serviced by this office include Eureka, Oakland, Redding, Sacramento, San Jose, Santa Rosa, and Stockton.

San Diego

San Diego Office
Managing Partner: Robert H. Choi
5333 Mission Center Road, Suite 380
San Diego,  CA 92108
Phone: (619) 688-5111
Fax:  (619) 688-5101

The venues serviced by this office include San Diego.

Ventura County

Oxnard Office

Effective 7/15/2024, please address all mail, previously addressed to Oxnard GMS to the Woodland Hills GMS location.

6300 Canoga Ave, Suite 1400
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Phone: (818) 755-0444

Coachella Valley

Palm Springs Office
Partner: Paul J. Magdalin / Managing Partner: Ashley K. Granich
301 N. Palm Canyon Dr. 1040, Suite 103
Palm Springs, CA 92262-5672
Phone: (818) 755-0444 ext 2301 / Phone: (714) 256-5000 ext. 2806